Nominations and Leader Development

Christian spiritual leaders are identified, developed, deployed, evaluated and monitored to carry out
the congregational ministries that fulfill the mission of making disciples and transforming the
community. The committee guides church leaders on matters related to laity in leadership in the


The United Methodist Book of Discipline states that the pastor shall be chair of the group, and a
layperson shall be vice-chair who may represent the committee at meetings of the church leadership
team. There shall not be more than nine people on the committee, and one person shall be a young


  • They develop and track a system for helping individuals discover their spiritual gifts, name their skills, interests, knowledge, and experience. They include people of various ages (including youth, young adults, and older adults) and life situations (married, single, retired). They help people discover their spiritual gifts, name their skills, interests, knowledge, and experience.
  • They invite people to positions of spiritual leadership, receive their responses, and provide training and support for these individuals.
  • They present a nomination list to the charge conference for a church council chair, a committee on pastor (staff) parish relations, a board of trustees, a committee on finance, a lay member to annual conference and a lay leader. They work throughout the year to name other leaders for the ministry that fulfills the mission of the congregation.