Religion and Race Ministry

Lead the congregation’s in efforts to value all God’ s people and build a vision of the kingdom of God that includes people of every race and culture.

Increase congregational understanding that a vital Christian faith values inclusiveness.

What does this leader do?

Maintain a growing and healthy spiritual life and lead others to do the same.

Lead awareness of the issues and values related to all God’ s people so that everyone may better understand and appreciate each other as God’ s people.

Plan and implement experiences for worship, fellowship, witness, study, nurture and service that will highlight the common humanity of all people.

Plan and implement inclusive decision making in meetings, inclusive Bible study, inclusive curriculum, and inclusive worship.

Identify, equip, and support people in the congregation and community who work with people of all ages across racial and ethnic lines.

Link organizations, people, and resources in and beyond the congregation to reduce stereotypes and eliminate the “ism’s” of society (ageism, racism, and other issues that separate people on Sunday morning).

Review the congregation’s purchasing policies and procedures to ensure materials from minority firms are equally considered.