Scouting Ministry

Through scouting and other youth serving organizations, lead the congregation’s plan of nurture and service for children and youth of all ages and all stages of faith.

Address the concerns and conditions of children and youth in the community and church so that the young people have a growing understanding of themselves and the Christian faith and become better equipped

What does this leader do?

Maintain a growing and healthy spiritual life and lead others to do the same.

Determine how your congregation might reach out to serve the hopes, concerns, and needs of children and youth in your community through Scouting and other youth serving programs.

Coordinate the planning and implementation of a comprehensive Scouting ministry for your congregation and community that aligns with and extends the mission of the church

Identify, equip, and support people to serve as teachers, counselors, and sponsors for Scouting programs.

Participate on the youth council of the congregation to collaborate on program, calendar schedules, and goals of helping youth learn to grow as Christian disciples, and represent the congregation at district Scouting meetings.

Make efforts to ensure that children and youth in the Scouting program have opportunities to consider their vocation as Christians and how they may express their Christian discipleship in their careers, occupations, and daily living.

Work with the youth council and church leaders to lead the congregation in celebrations of worship and fellowship to recognize Scout Sunday, Scouting awards and honors, and other occasions in the lives of youth and adults in Scouting.