
Guide the congregation in its understanding of how Christian stewardship fulfills the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Generous stewardship is one of the marks of a disciple of Jesus Christ and we, as followers of Christ, a recalled to be faithful stewards at all ages and in all stages of faith.

Coordinate with others the planning and implementation of a comprehensive, year round plan for Christian stewardship that includes education, inspiration, and action for your congregation.

Live as an example of generous living and engage in spiritual practices to fulfill the mission and vision of the church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

Encourage the congregation to live daily with stewardship of their lives through their prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness as disciples of Jesus Christ.

What does this leader do?

Work closely with finance leaders to grow a culture of generosity among the church family and challenging the congregation to be generous in funding the ministry of the church. To develop a wider view of stewardship of all the resources God ha s given, collaborate with others such as the camping coordinator, earth advocacy leader, health and welfare leader and age-level ministry coordinators.

Be familiar with United Methodist and other stewardship resources and facilitate their use by all age levels and faith stages.

Lead the celebration of Christian stewardship in worship and fellowship opportunities throughout the year. Topics might include mission and connectional giving, living more frugally, personal financial planning, and care of the planet.