The Restoration Project

“Transformation is a collective process of change that leads to re-discovering and celebrating what we are called by God to be as a church in ministry,”  Theresa Davis (Lay Leader) said.

The Church Restoration Project was implemented in 2015 with the overall goal to restore and preserve Trinity United Methodist Church to its initial architectural and aesthetic grandeur as designed by the founders. The church, listed in the National Register of Historic Places since 1995, was completed in 1944 and was in need of repairs and updating. Three federal grants totaling $1.5 million have been acquired for the restoration thus far, supplemented by over $200,000 raised from members and friends. Much progress has been made including a new HVAC system, waterproofing, electrical work and safety upgrades.

The current phase of the restoration includes refurbishment of the church’s over 80 beautifully stained-glass windows. In 2016, Trinity was noted as being a repository of the greatest number of stained-glass windows among the United Methodist churches in South Carolina. The windows have been removed from the educational wing of the church and transported to Columbia by Shenandoah Restoration Inc. to be refurbished to their original majesty, and reinstalled. The most recently acquired grant of $500,000 will be used to restore the remaining windows and address other needs. When the restoration is complete, Trinity will once again bask in her original splendor.

“After the death of Moses, the Exodus General and Red Sea Navigator, God turns to Joshua, Moses’ assistant, and admonishes him “to be strong and courageous; do not be frightened or dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go,” said Rev. Eddie C. Williams. “Today, Trinity is the modern Joshua. We are called to witness, make disciples for Christ and become change agents in a dark world.

“We must trust those teachings that have sustained our congregation. God’s promises yesterday will sustain us on the journey tomorrow. Just as God guided Moses and Joshua, God will lead and guide Trinity today and tomorrow!”

The work of restoration continues at Trinity United Methodist Church. Some have passed by, seen the boarded up windows, and have wondering if the church has closed. Let us reassure all, that Trinity is alive and well, and restoring her walls so that she might continue to be the beacon light in this corner of Orangeburg, SC. Join us each Sunday morning, via Zoom, or YouTube as the word of God goes forth.

Work is being completed by: The Boudreaux Group (Architectural Firm), Solid Structures, LLC (General Contractor) and Shenandoah Restoration, Inc (Stain Glass Windows Restoration)

Work on the stained-glass windows in progressing as evident by the last slider added to this page.  See it, and stay tuned as the work continues.

And now work has begun on restoring the floors to their original beauty.  Layers of paint is being removed, and new stain is being added.  They will look brand new.  Thanks to the “crew” for the caver-up job.  Some of the work called for climbing to new heights. Young people don’t mind at all.

Awarding of the newest grant has been featured in a report from WLTX News entitled “Historic Trinity UMC Church in Orangeburg receives $750,000 in federal funding for restoration”.  We continue to rebuild these walls for generations to come. This fourth round funding for restoration at Trinity.  Funding will be used to complete our stained-glass window restoration project, repairs to the roof, and other repairs and upgrades around the church.  

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